about us

What do we do?


Previously m7e, m7 education has taken the idea of helping educational equality one step further by making sure the experiences help increase the student’s aspirations as well as attainment. we find state schools with above 30% pupil premium and help fund educational experiences that will help both the students and the teachers!

why do we do it?


One educational experience can change a child’s entire perspective and research shows that experiences outside of the classroom are the most likely to have a positive impact.  This could range from getting more girls into STEM from an early age or introducing any child to a world of art that inspires them to delve deeper into the subject.

is there a catch?


there is no catch. we verify the data to make sure schools hit our criteria and then work closely with the teachers to get the experience that will benefit the class most. These range from purely educational to purely aspirational trips. we kindly ask for feedback after the trips and love reading student feedback to really understand the impact!